As more and more companies and teams have entered the new normal when it comes to ‘return to office’ and travel, Exec Club’s International Business and Real Estate Forums come together for a conversation around the next trend affecting employees and where they work: how the places we call our office are changing, and what these changes mean for our colleagues, companies and the economy going forward.
Together, our panelists will sit down with Matt Carolan for a conversation about how the places where we work around the world are evolving, and the questions that come with these evolutions. For companies downsizing physical spaces, how are you deciding what the optimal office and floorplan look like going forward? How do these look different from country to country? What steps are being taken for those expanding – and how are leaders deciding on new international hubs? Will adapting and repurposing commercial real estate be a new core focus for investors, owners and operators in the months and years to come? What will this shift require in terms of strategic thinking and investments that companies will have to think about?
Notice: Until further notice, the Executives’ Club of Chicago will require all attending Exec Club in-person events to be fully vaccinated and show proof of vaccination (either through electronic copy, photocopy or photo).