Speaking at the Bloomberg Equality Summit, Willis Towers Watson Global Head of Human Capital & Benefits Julie Gebauer talks about creating an inclusive environment. Some recent headlines have shed light on new concerns about pushing the diversity scale too far, leaving managers unsure how to proceed when mentoring women or minorities without excluding other workers. Diversity and inclusion (D&I) initiatives are not about creating new groups of haves and have nots, she says, but they are about generating better results and creating more opportunities for everyone. Change management must ensure that all staff are on board with D&I initiatives, which means tailoring language to achieve buy-in from staff. These programs should emphasize the continuous goal of growing opportunities for everyone, not just one group. The programs must emphasize that they are not zero-sum games. Growth is continuous, Gebauer adds. She also recommends majority and minority groups be included in D&I conversations and programs from the outset.
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