HRMAC’s International Interest Group hosted a lively panel discussion on Cybersecurity & Data Privacy on January 18. The panelists spanned several chief security officers, a chief technology and innovation officer, and a global mobility consultant of global risks, all of whom shared a wealth of knowledge, insight and personal experiences.
The discussion began with the question: What exactly is at risk and why there is a need for data security today? The answer is-protecting the pillars of a business, its people, process and technology. Security needs to be addressed on each level. Cybersecurity is crucial in maintaining data during its lifecycle from creation to storage, use and eventually when/how it’s destroyed.
In conclusion, this topic has a critical impact on human resources being one of the departments within each organization that holds the key to a large amount of sensitive data. Because of this, it’s of the utmost importance to raise the level of mindfulness when working with sensitive data as well as be aware of emerging privacy laws and be prepared by having a crisis management plan in place.