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Restoring trust once it is broken is a difficult, if not impossible, task. The first step in improving integrity is keeping confidential information confidential. In human resources (HR), staff cannot keep claims of harassment confidential, but they can be honest and tell the employee why they cannot do so. Staff also need to know when to ignore someone’s behavior and when to stand up for something. Just because someone is a client, customer, manager or co-worker doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be held accountable for their actions. Part of building integrity and trust is being organized, being able to follow through on what you say you’re going to do. Also, when your views change, let others know and the reason for the change. Finally, HR and other staff should have an ethical compass and respect others even when they disagree with the other person’s position on a subject or project. Most organizations and professional associations have ethical standards that HR can turn to for guidance, which can help keep them and other workers compliant.

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