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In recent times, we’ve seen an increase in businesses taking a stance on social and economic issues. This expectation for businesses has started a shift in responsibility, and the effects are causing corporations, philanthropic entities, and government agencies across industry and function to reconsider their approach and the synergistic values in working with one another for the benefit of all.

Join Michael Fassnacht, Chief Marketing Officer for the City of Chicago, and President & CEO of World Business Chicago, as he shares his perspective on the value and necessity of strengthening partnerships between business, philanthropy, and government institutions, and how these partnerships can foster an ecosystem that benefits all.

The Executives’ Club of Chicago Coffee & Connect Series is an exclusive opportunity for members to speak candidly with other Chicago business leaders in an intimate and interactive format. We encourage you to engage fully by being present with your video on, coming prepared with questions and ready to interact with other members of the Exec Club in curated breakout sessions.

Members Only: Complimentary

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