In 2018, Fortune 500 companies generated $12.8 trillion in revenue. That’s a sum greater than the GDP of many developed countries, only behind the 2018 GDP of the US and China. At the same time, the latest data from the Edelman Trust Barometer shows that global consumers are expecting business to lead on social issues. Can a company be seen as more than its profits?
Whether driven by conscience or force of consumer expectations, corporations are attempting to take their civic responsibility seriously. But what will the next generation of corporate social responsibility look like?
Join us April 3rd for a conversation with Arne Sorenson, CEO of Marriott International, on the initiatives Marriott is taking to broaden the chain’s commitment to corporate social responsibility. From getting insight into how the world’s largest hospitality chain trains employees to recognize signs of human trafficking, to installing panic buttons in its hotels to increase safety, to eliminating plastic straws at its restaurants, Marriott is continuously working to incorporate social responsibility into every aspect of the company’s business strategy.